History of the Church Organ

The organ at St. John Lutheran Church in Boiling Springs, PA is 90 years old this year. On April 8, 1934, Jacob and Nellie Meixel, members of St. John’s, purchased the Moller Pipe Organ for the church.  At that time the congregation was still using the old church which was purchased in 1873. 

The old church had a fire in 1913 - a rope holding an oil chandelier broke causing a brief but damaging fire.  A complete renovation was made after that fire, however by 1935 the congregation had outgrown the building and the members began making plans for a new building.  The final service in the old church was held the spring of 1938.

The altar, baptismal font, brass cross, pipe organ, memorial windows, pews, pulpit, old chairs behind the altar and hymn boards were stored at the Grange Hall just behind the church.  Most of those items are still in use today.  Services were also held in the Grange Hall.

Mr. John K. Bixler, Sr., architect and member of the congregation designed the new church which stands today.  Dedication services were held October 1935.  The Moller Pipe Organ was again installed in the new sanctuary. 

The organ was enhanced with chimes and trumpet stops in 1975 in memorial for Jacob and Nellie Meixel by their daughters: Rhea Otto, Emily Wise, Nellie Brymesser and Sarah Shultz.

On November 4, 2012 – All Saints Sunday, the organ was again enhanced by a Zimbelstern set of bells from donations received for Sarah Shultz’s memorial fund.

A special 90th birthday celebration took place during the Traditional Service on September 22, 2024. The event featured special music and a rededication ceremony. Following the service, refreshments were served, and many relatives of the original members who purchased the organ were in attendance.


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